Thursday, November 22, 2007


If the only prayer you said in your whole life was,
"thank you,"
that would suffice.

~Meister Eckhart

Our American holiday of Thanksgiving doesn't really fit into the German landscape, and today we are very far away from Thanksgiving-celebrating friends and family, but the attitude of thanksgiving is fully independent of cultures.

We are very grateful . . .
  • for our family, here around this table and scattered around the world
  • for our friends, who keep us close even while we're far away
  • for this home, which allows us to live in shabby chic old-European comfort
  • for this city that never sleeps and opens our eyes to a world we've never experienced
  • for this amazing opportunity to dive into another life for a year
  • for all these and many more blessings from our great God!