Frohe Weihnachten!
Christmas impressions from Germany . . .
from Berlin to the Black Forest,
every branch and twig and blade of grass
covered with lacy crystals of ice

decorated with seashells from the Oregon coast
that were collected by my dad and crafted by my mom

Delicious meat fondue on Christmas Eve
with Jost’s father and stepmother,
followed by candle lighting, gift giving,
and a midnight mass in the old stone Catholic church in Bühl
(yes, those are real candles on the tree!)
Sledding on Christmas Day in the snow above the Black Forest
Christmas Day feast:
a delectable roasted goose, Thüringer Kartoffelklöße,
red cabbage, and chestnut stuffing
The Weihnachtsmann marzipan Christmas tort!
Back home in Berlin:
our beautiful 2-euro flea market candelabra gives us
Christmas candlelight throughout the year!
May God richly bless you with his light in this new year!
"In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness,
but the darkness has not understood it."
John 1:4