Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Top 10 list

Top Ten Things We Love
about Living in Berlin . . .
by the Zetzsche Kids

10. Escalators. (No, we're not rednecks.)

9. Sightseeing and learning the history.

8. Church bells ringing throughout the day.

7. Castles and churches and beautiful buildings.

6. Concerts - we went to an open air concert with about 15 different bands playing simultaneously on different stages about 100 yards apart along a designated road. It was awesome!

5. Public transportation:
subways, buses, streetcars, taxis, and trains.

4. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!
3. Riding bikes on bike paths throughout the city.

2. Having a beautiful park and lake (and basketball court and playground)
a block away from our apartment.

1. Food!!! It's all good: Fresh bread and breakfast rolls every morning, curry wurst, Turkish roasted veal in pita bread, German pancakes, and restaurants from every country in the world right in our neighborhood.

Guten Appetit!!!


Conny Sch. said...

Hallo, Ihr Lieben,

was ist das, Ihr seid in BERLIN!
Dann müssen wir dringend unsere Urlaubspläne ändern und ein Vorbeischneien bei Euch organisieren. Was macht IHR in BERLIN????

I'm so excited!

Jost, wer sind denn bloss diese attraktiven jungen Damen da mit Dir auf dem Bild? Und wer ist der Typ mit dem langen Haar? Sind das etwa die Kinder, die ich bei meinem Besuch bei Euch damals (ages ago) kennen gelernt habe? Unfassbar!

Anyway, lebt Euch gut ein und viel Spass nicht nur mit dem Kultur-, sondern auch mit dem spezifischen Berlin-Schock!

Eure Conny
(die selbst manchmal noch mit ihrem Schwaben-Kulturschock zu tun hat :-)

Suzanne said...

Hey Zetzsches!

How fun to get to see what you're seeing and doing! Your apartment looks like it has some really neat features. My prediction: the kids will be thoroughly urbanized this year and Kristen will want a gas stove when it's time to go home. :)

Can't wait to read your next post!
love to you all-Suz

Sandy K. said...

Hi Zetzsches,
Just logged in to leave a comment and found the Top 10 Things...great pictures. Glad to see everyone's enjoying themselves and not going hungry!
I copied your last blog with pics and took to the seniors in Sunday school class. Everyone was happy to see them and wish you all well. I'll copy the "Top 10" here and take them in also. Not everyone has a computer...believe it or not.
We're having fantastic weather. Warm and beautiful.
Take care of yourselves and keep us updated.
Sandy K.

Jen said...

Hello Zetzsches!

It looks like you are having a wonderful time in Germany. The park looks amazing. We are looking forward to seeing the other sites you've been seeing. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures.

We miss you guys!

Love, Loren and Jen

Jen said...

Hey Zetzsches,
The pictures are very cool, intersting one #2 Hannes with the statue. Lara email me soon. Hope to hear from you soon!

Love, Lindsey